Vehicle repair specialist reduces business rates with RVA Surveyors

Case study:

Vehicle Repair Specialist | London

Specialises in repairing vehicles for customers across the UK.





The Client

Based at Unit B2, Bromley, our client operates a vehicle repair and maintenance business. Their warehouse is a vital hub for servicing vehicles, storing parts, and managing day-to-day operations.

With rising costs in the automotive industry, ensuring their business rates were correctly assessed was crucial for maintaining financial efficiency.

The Problem

Upon reviewing their business rates, we found that the client was not receiving Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR) or Retail Relief (RR) from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA), despite being eligible.

The council had no record of these reliefs ever being applied, meaning the client had been overpaying for an extended period. Without intervention, this unnecessary financial burden would have continued.

The Solution

After verifying their eligibility, RVA Surveyors submitted formal applications for SBRR and RR on 24/10/2024, requesting the VOA to reassess their entitlement. Initially, the council had not awarded any reliefs, but our persistence ensured a thorough review of the case.

It was confirmed that only the 2017 Rateable Value (RV) qualified for SBRR, but both reliefs were successfully approved on 25/11/2024. This adjustment significantly lowered their business rates liability.

The Outcome

By securing both reliefs, the client achieved substantial savings, easing the financial strain on their operations.

This correction not only reduced their current business rates but also ensured future assessments reflected their correct entitlement. Thanks to our efforts, they can now reinvest these savings into their business rather than paying unnecessary costs.

Combined savings achieved: £5,834 

Surveyor comment

“This case is a perfect example of why businesses should review their rate relief entitlements. Without our intervention, the client would have continued overpaying—our persistence made all the difference.”

Vehicle Repair Specialist – London | Warehouse February 4, 2025