RVA Helps Kid’s Play Area to Buy
New Equipment by Reducing Business Rates

Case study:

Go Kidz Go Ltd | West Midlands

Go Kidz Go is a staple in its community; offering a safe, fun0packed environment for all children to play in. This indoor adventure playground has made plenty of strides in investing in the best equipment across Europe, and with over 60,000 visitors a year, it comes as no surprise.





The Challenge for the Client

While Go Kidz Go had previously reviewed their business rates, they found that fluctuations in the sector made it inconsistent and convoluted to navigate. As such, they decided to engage a business rates reduction specialist who could not only reduce rates, but the hassle as well. With this in mind, the client decided to engage with RVA Surveyors; due to their proven history of achieving reductions and ‘no reduction, no fee’ basis.

The Solution

A surveyor was soon on-site at the property in question – a warehouse – to carry out a detailed inspection. In order to build a case that would allow them to identify potential savings, the surveyor gathered relevant evidence not only from the property in question, but also from the surrounding area. This way, the rental evidence could be analysed thoroughly for possible reductions.

It was quickly realised by the surveyor that a significant reduction was possible as they found that the parking lot – and the use of it – had been incorrectly valued.

The Outcome

With this in mind, RVA submitted a Check (the first step of the Check, Challenge, Appeal, process) on behalf of the client.

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) replied quickly with their initial response – unfortunately, they did not accept RVA’s proposed revisions. However, RVA Surveyors firmly believed that a reduction was due, and lodged a Challenge. In further discussions with RVA, the VOA agreed that the Rateable Value (RV) of the client’s property should be reduced from £37,000 to £28,500. This 23% reduction of the RV was backdated to the beginning of the rating list, 1st April, and will remain in place until at least the 31st March 2023.

Client Comments and Recommendation

“With the backdate savings, worth £13,000, we’ve been able to invest in our premier play centre with brand new vinyl flooring for a huge section of the building. I would absolutely recommend RVA to any other business that thinks it may be paying the wrong business rate. Undertaking the process with RVA was great because they work on a no win no fee basis, so it’s just a risk free way of saving potentially a lot of money – and you may be surprised with the amount you could be saving!”

Go Kidz Go – West Midlands | Warehouse July 6, 2021