Engineering solutions company saves on business rates with RVA Surveyors

Case study:

Engineering Solutions Company | West Midlands

Specialising in high-quality manufacturing and precision engineering solutions.





The Client

Our client is a well-established engineering firm specialising in high-quality manufacturing and precision engineering solutions. Located in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, serving a range of industries, they provide custom fabrication, machining, and engineering support across various sectors.

Known for their technical expertise and commitment to quality, the client ensures that their products meet the highest industry standards. Their reputation for precision and reliability led them to checking they were paying an accurate business rates.

The Problem

During our review of the client’s business rates assessment, we identified that the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) had overestimated the property’s rateable value (RV). The valuation was based on outdated rental figures that did not accurately reflect current market conditions, leading to an inflated assessment.

The issue stemmed from a valuation that did not align with comparable rental evidence for similar properties in the area. If left unchallenged, this incorrect assessment would continue to impact the client’s financial position. Recognising the need for a fair and accurate valuation, we addressed the discrepancy.

The Solution

RVA Surveyors conducted an in-depth inspection of rental evidence to comparable properties in the area. We examined lease agreements, and assessed how similar sites were valued to establish a more realistic rateable value for the client’s property.

Using this evidence, we presented a case to the VOA, arguing that the existing valuation was inconsistent with market conditions and should be adjusted accordingly. We highlighted the discrepancies in the rental data used in the original assessment and provided compelling evidence to support a reduction in the property’s rateable value.

The Outcome

The VOA accepted the evidence presented and revised the property’s rateable value to reflect the current rental market more accurately. This correction led to a significant reduction in the client’s business rates liability, ensuring they were no longer overpaying due to an incorrect valuation.

The successful outcome also reinforced the importance of regularly reviewing rateable values to ensure businesses are not unfairly overpaying by inaccurate assessments.

Savings achieved: £6,634 

Surveyor comment

“We’re pleased to have delivered a positive result, allowing the client to focus on growing their business rather than overpaying on rates.”

Engineering Solutions Company – West Midlands | Workshop February 18, 2025