Case study:
Restaurant | West Yorkshire
The Client
Our client, located in Drighlington, West Yorkshire, faced a significant challenge after a fire damaged their premises a few years ago. The property was rebuilt and revalued, but the entire first floor was mistakenly classified as office space. This classification did not reflect the actual use and layout of the building.
The revaluation led to a higher price per square metre than was justified. As a result, our client sought assistance to ensure their property was accurately valued based on its true characteristics.
The Problem
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) misclassified the first floor as office space, which caused a substantial increase in the price per square metre. In reality, the property should have been assessed as a warehouse. This misclassification inflated the valuation.
Additionally, access to the property posed a challenge. The only access was down a narrow road. A nearby new development further impacted the ease of reaching the premises.
The Solution
RVA Surveyors challenged the VOA’s classification of the first floor. We provided photographic evidence that the space was better suited for a warehouse than office use. We argued that the 20% uplift typically applied to office spaces should not apply here.
Our presentation during the ‘Check’ stage of the Check, Challenge, Appeal process was successful. We secured a reduction in the price per square metre to reflect the property’s true use. Moreover, we obtained a 5% access allowance due to the narrow access road and the nearby construction. This allowance helped mitigate the effects of the difficult access.
The Outcome
Through our efforts, we were able to reduce the overall valuation of the property by ensuring the correct classification of the first floor and obtaining a 5% access allowance for the challenging access.
These adjustments led to a fairer valuation, reducing the financial burden on the client and ensuring their property was accurately assessed.
Savings achieved: £7,488
Surveyor comment
“After reviewing the property and access, we successfully corrected the classification and secured a fairer valuation, reflecting the true nature of the space.”